Professional Makeup Artist | Organic Chemist | Educator

Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Let's Collaborate!

Another day and another clothing brand approaches me with the offer to 'collaborate'.

Collaboration, Credits

I don't even bother asking now if they are looking forward to a paid collaboration.

They promise "proper" credits to be given to the Makeup Artist for coming on-board.

In their head, we are the most non-prioritized creatives in any project and we are worth nothing but a "proper" mention in the credits.

My reply? A professional flat-out No.

Dear Clothing/Jewelry/Shoes/Whatever Brands,
When you get in touch with a Makeup Artist for one of your commercial projects, kindly approach them with a good budget, not penniless and never ask for free work. Trust me, you neither come off professional nor respectful.

Yours Truly,
A Makeup Artist of 5 solid years of work experience.


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