Professional Makeup Artist | Organic Chemist | Educator

Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Choose Your Foundation The Fool-Proof Professional Way

Hey Guys, it's been a long hour since I last posted here. It's been ages actually. But I am back with the promise to keep writing.

Fingers crossed, wish me luck!

Picking up from where we left off, the complexion, something I always talk about and create passionately.

There are no shortcuts to doing a great complexion work, you cannot simply pick one foundation formula, swipe it all over the face, a little dab here a little dab there and voila! You get a flat complexion.

Makeup, Complexion, Foundation

Let's look at it from a Professional's point of view.

When you are choosing a foundation shade, either for yourself or a client, start by analyzing the skintone and undertone. I can bet my entire kit on it that you cannot narrow it down to one single colour.

What should be done then?

Use three different shades. But how to pick those 3 shades?

Here are some important pointers (they are important so read carefully).

Sticking to the same undertone, make sure one colour (out of three) matches your client's cheek area, the second one matches their jawline and neck area, and the third one matches the bridge of their nose and the center part of their forehead.

Confused? I too was in the beginning, trust me.

Let's make it simpler.

Pick one shade that matches your client's majorly. Pick a second shade darker than the first one and another shade lighter than the first one.

Apply these shades in the said places, that is cheek area, jawline and neck and forehead and nose bridge, blend the demarcation lines ensuring one colour does not bleed into the other.

The result? You will get a beautiful three-dimensional professionally done complexion.

Try it and if you like it let me know here!

Much Love,


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