Professional Makeup Artist | Organic Chemist | Educator

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Real Techniques: “Duped” by Beauty Bar

We started looking into Real Techniques makeup brushes and Beauty Blender prices lately on different forums because we needed to upgrade our tools. One day we came across Beauty Bar’s website with their too-good-to-be-true prices on various products such as Real Techniques and Beauty Blender that matched brands’ retail prices. Sadaf and I both were tempted to buy but being extremely careful as we didn’t want any dupes, we had to go around and ask fellow bloggers (I won’t take any names here) if they had already bought from them or not, and came across a few who had bought Beauty Blenders from them and claimed those to be real.

Still unsatisfied, Fizzah wrote to Beauty Bar’s customer care asking if they really sold original Real Techniques Brushes, because dupes would be the last thing she would want in her stash – the kind of maniac she is in this case. The reply came after a few days, which itself looked phony, telling they were sorry for the delayed response and that yes they sold 100% original stuff. We shared the email among our own bloggers friends’ group and were shocked to learn that the same email, exactly same email was received by one of our blogger friends when she had emailed them the same query a few months prior to us. Unfortunately, we do not have the email anymore to share a screenshot here but to ensure we did while writing this post, Sadaf wrote to them again last night and we have not received any reply yet. However, we add a few screenshots here of them claiming on their social media accounts that they sell original Real Techniques brushes.

Would you care disclosing those “authorized” dealers please?

We weren’t really satisfied yet were tempted to buy Real Techniques from them. Fizzah had already bought Real Techniques Expert Face Brush and Stippling Brush from La Viva Glam, a Facebook Store known for their reliability among bloggers and selling original stuff and Sadaf already owned an Expert Face Brush and a Real Techniques Blush Brush from last year bought from another reliable source We finally decided to give Beauty Bar a try and purchased Expert Face Brush which we already had in our stash so we may compare the two and decide for ourselves if they really sold original stuff at those amazing prices. We also added some L.A. Girl Pro Concealers to our order as well and this is what happened…

What Really Happened?

There are no words to express how we felt when Fizzah compared the Expert Face Brush from Beauty Bar with the real one she owns. This new one was meant to be a gift to Sadaf’s sister so you can imagine our disappointment at this fraud. There are plenty of companies like Ali Express, ebay, Amazon that sell dupes and it isn’t very difficult to purchase from them and label them as real, however those companies do not claim their products to be original but first copies and that is how they sell them unlike Beauty Bar.

We did not really intend to write this post but we owe our fellow bloggers and friends a favour. It saddens us to see that girls who would buy their very first Real Techniques brushes from Beauty Bar would think they got the original stuff but actually they got scammed.

Here we list a few pointers with pictures that separate a real Real Techniques Expert Face Brush from its dupe.

Disclaimer: All the pictures are taken with a Samsung Galaxy S4 and are the sole property of The Pout Painters.

This comparison is presented purely with the intention to spread awareness and for those of you who wish to purchase dupes; we shall be posting a thorough review and comparison of the dupe and original Expert Face Brush soon.

Real or Fake – How To Tell?

Obviously unless you have a real brush to compare the dupe to, you cannot tell if it’s real or not. And for someone who has seen and used a real one, Fizzah didn’t even have to take the two out of their packaging to pass the final verdict that Beauty Bar’s Real Techniques’ Expert Face Brush was a 100% fake.

The Packaging: The orange colour on the fake’s packaging on the front as well as the back is a lot dull. If you see both side by side, the real packaging has a brighter orange colour on it. That goes for the font as well which is dull on the fake. Sam and Nic’s faces in the picture on the fake packaging are white-washed while you can actually see their real skin in the picture on the actual one.

Overall, the fake packaging looks flimsy and dirty in terms of printing.

The Brush: The fake brush head is a lot bigger in size. The colour of the bristles on the fake one is dark brown while it is actually black on the real one. You can easily spot this difference by tilting the brush under light. Because the bristles on the fake one are longer, they bend a lot if you press the brush’s head with your palm, this does not happen with the original one.

The fake brush has a dent from pressing the ferrule near the head which you do not find on the real one. Besides that, I spotted one or two more dents on the ferrule of the fake brush. The orange colour of the ferrule on the real one has a slight pink tone to it which is missing from the fake one. The finish of the ferrule on the real RT brush is a lot smoother than the fake one.

The colour of the printing on the brush, again like the packaging is a dull, dirty orange unlike the bright orange on the real one. The printing if you look closely on the fake one isn’t really a job well-done such as the font ‘TECH’ written in bold on the ferrule of the brush isn’t thorough and has tiny spots which means the printing was done by saving on the ink.

For those of you who are familiar with printing on a regular printer know you have to set the print resolution of the image on a minimum of 600 before you take out the print to prevent pixilation. That pixilation is what you see on a fake RT brush.

If you run your finger on the edges of the rubber part, you will feel the real brush to have a smoother finish while the fake one’s rubber has pointy circumference.

We hope these points will help you spot a real Real Techniques brush from a fake one.

What To Do Now?

We have already heard from bloggers who have tried known dupes of Real Techniques brushes that they perform fine but obviously the purpose of the brush changes as the shape and bristles change.

If you have had enough of such scammers robbing good honest people of their hard earned money, please speak up. We urge you to boycott such companies and share your story or thoughts on this matter using the #dupedbybeautybar on your social media. Let such fake companies know that women may be crazy about beauty but they are not stupid.

One might argue that they may be selling fakes mixed with the real ones and it was just our bad luck that we got a fake one. Even then, it’s dishonesty and unethical for them to do so. We had planned to purchase more Real Techniques brushes from them after ensuring they sold real stuff but now we are not sure we will even buy any other brand’s products from them. Our advice to you too? Shop from Beauty Bar at your own risk.

As for us, we will always give you our honest opinion on any store or product and you are most welcome to join in the discussions.

Our Rating



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Lying about dupes being originals
Selling dupes at the retail prices of originals

What have you guys purchased from Beauty Bar? Let us know in the comments below.

Fizzah and Sadaf

Disclaimer: This is a personal blog edited by its owners and the opinions expressed here belong solely to its owner's. For questions and queries please email at


  1. Thats Really Bad... I have recently bought Essence Cinderella Highlighter, Matte Foundation, and Oil Control Paper From Beauty Bar and I hope they'll be the real ones! Thanks for sharing your experience...

    1. Essence Pakistan has mentioned that Beauty Bar carries their brand but who knows if they sell originals?

  2. Oh God this is really shocking 😱 ur post will definetly help out gurls who think they sell real :/

  3. Well this is too much, buying things from Aliexpess and selling them in the price of real products, this is worst marketing tactics, for earning well and fooling the customes. Dishonesty won't take them anywhere, thanks for sharing, as the girls will be more cautious now before purchasing anything. Such a shame for such stores

  4. this is too much .. seriously i can feel the pain .. worst thing ever ... thank you for the alert dear ♡♡

  5. Thank you so much for sharing. Glad i didnr order from them. I feel sorry for your experience.

  6. OMG , thank God i din't ordered from them as i was about to. It was really helpful !

  7. This is really disgusting and shameful!! Selling fake stuff at the price of original.Thank God I din't ordered anything from them.
    Thank you very much for this post Fizzah and Sadaf! You guys saved so many people from these scammers. xx

  8. OMG i was really plannning to get a few rt brushes ... thank u for saving my bucks :P

  9. Bought the beauty blender from them.. Checked it before paying and sent it back since i had already been scammed by another page.

    1. Thanks for sharing your story. We wish everyone would open up so people realize we are not alone

  10. This is disgusting. I agree with boycotting such pages!

  11. This is disgusting. I agree with boycotting such pages!

  12. Need more of such reviews/blogs. Will save us all online shoppers lots of money. Thank you!

  13. OMG im feeling so sad for those who think the own original and real products while using the fake ones, thankyou so much for spreading awareness!

  14. Im so glad you guys have blogged about ths issue,it was much needed. There are many more pages who are tricking people every..people are just not aware, guys please do research about real vs fake product before it arrives. I was tricked too once by a page called Bling, who sent me a fake mary lou highlighter, Thank God i had done my Internet reach before it arrived!

    1. Thanks for sharing your story. We encourage everyone to do as you said

  15. What a terrible thing to do, great work exposing them girls.

  16. Such a shame it is. This is really wrong and unethical. Thanks for sharing your detailed experience. Am sure it will help many buyers. The tips you have shared are great.

  17. Oh those are really expensive. I hope yours are real but only you can tell

  18. Omg soo sad. I have bought my Real Technique brush from INDELATH and ofcourse they are trust worthy so thank god i have the original brush. But thats lying taking soo much money for fake stuff. I was planning to buy from them but Thank God now i wont. Thankyou Fizzah and Sadaf for awaring us. They need to be reported and banned.

    1. We are glad we posted in time to help you. You are welcome :)

  19. So glad you wrote about this!! These websites think they can get away with scamming. Its a shame that we trust such websites.

    1. No matter the backlash, we are glad we did write about this publicly. Our only regret is that none of us bloggers discovered they were fake earlier

  20. The two brushes are definitely different! O_O

  21. Kudos to you guys for mentioning. My cousin was interested in buying the Beauty Blender but obviously the price gave it away that it couldn't be original. I did nonetheless asked other bloggers in an app group twice who had received one from the store as a pr sample and shockingly nobody replied to my query so I am glad you guys spoke up! The brand later did contact me to join a promotional program but since they seemed phony I ignored the offer. This seems like more of an AliExpress purchase repackaged and sold with false claims.

    1. Thank you so much for you support :* We are glad your cousin is safe. Yes, we heard about the promo program, just weird. We didn't know about the PR samples so I guess that explains why some bloggers are unwilling to acknowledge Beauty Bar's deceit even when we have shown clear proof because we have nothing to hide. Disappointing.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. This review was much needed!! Thank you for an honest side by side comparison. They should at least mention they sell replicas :(

  24. OMG! I am beginning to doubt my real techniques expert face brush now! #HighlyUnethical

    1. Woah we really hope yours isn't fake. You can easily do a comparison with the original through online pictures and videos on the official Real Techniques blog and channel or even our post

  25. OMG this is disgusting.I feel sad for the ones who have got fake ones from that page.I myself have not shopped from them yet.But u guys have raised a much needed issue.Thanks for sharing.keep it up and keep us aware of such fake people.Thank u once again:)

  26. OMG this is disgusting.I feel sad for the ones who have got fake ones from that page.I myself have not shopped from them yet.But u guys have raised a much needed issue.Thanks for sharing.keep it up and keep us aware of such fake people.Thank u once again:)

    1. Thanks for evaluating the proof we gave objectively and supporting us :)

  27. This is actually shocking, thanku for this ! :)

  28. Very sad though but u really saved many as I was about to buy n planned to shop some stuff....thanks
    N do share some authentic sites to buy from.

    1. We have shared some authentic ones with our readers over private messages :)

  29. I ordered sculpting brush and the moment i got it i had a feeling that maybe its not real. Now that ive reas this... Im worried myself .but i dont have a brush to compare so im really confused ��

    1. You should definitely check online reviews for this brush to find out if it's original. Sorry we don't have this one to help you out. They are refunding so you can get your money back don't worry :)

    2. You should definitely check online reviews for this brush to find out if it's original. Sorry we don't have this one to help you out. They are refunding so you can get your money back don't worry :)

  30. I only ordered once from their website Because at that moment that was the only shop who had the essence cinderella collection so I ordered a blush and highlighter but I'm glad that my blush and highlighter is not fake. Thanks fizza and sadaf

    1. We are glad you the new Essence stuff because some people said that they had got expired Essence stuff. It is available in Pakistani stores now as well if you want more :)

  31. OMG .. this is horrible .... i have been conned by someone too so i can feel ya ... they sold me fake benefit products .. *sigh*

    1. Wow Benefit stuff is extremely expensive. We hope you got a refund!

  32. great information.
    Ramsha Hashmi

  33. Oh god you seriously save my money i ordered 7 things but yet i don't received my order after reading your blog i cancelled my order.thanks alot

  34. Just my luck, chanced on your post only after having been emailed by Beauty Bar that my order had been shipped. I didn't order any of the brands you mentioned, but very much regretting my decision now. The products I ordered are not any that I own from before, so I am in quite a fix. Thanks for spreading awareness about this though.

    1. Hi! What brands did you order? Because not everything they sell is a copy. Our experience with the RT they sold is mentioned in this post but after this post a lot of people came up with the RT stuff bought from them which turned out to be copies as well. I seriously hope your stuff isn't dupe.

  35. Kindly mention the reliable pages and websites for shopping genuine makeup

  36. I have bought chocolate bar kit, revoltion contour kit, nyx setting spray, and many more. I don't know if they are original or not. I am worried now.

    1. Hi. They do sell original stuff as well like the products from cheap/drugstore brands are original. We haven't bought anything else from them except for RT brush and LA Girl concealer. LA Girl was original but RT wasn't.

  37. Can you please tell me about the pages that sell original products and are 100 percent reliable?

    1. Chic Bazaar, Trends N Brands, Indelath to name a few. We shop from these pages only.

  38. Those ppl who are in a doubt whether their porduct are real or fake
    I suggest u to scan da bar code it will atleast give a person some idea

    1. We did scan the codes on both the products, the real and the fake as well and guess what it was useless. You can copy barcodes as well. By only comparing the original to the fake can you tell which one's real.

  39. Those ppl who are in a doubt whether their porduct are real or fake
    I suggest u to scan da bar code it will atleast give a person some idea


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