Professional Makeup Artist | Organic Chemist | Educator

Monday 15 February 2016

Olor Fragrances – Review

I admit I am not into fragrances but my recent experience with Olor is starting to change my mind. I prefer deodorants over perfumes and I am especially partial towards affordable ones that deliver. Just like with makeup I don’t think bare necessities should be so expensive particularly since the ingredients are not all that expensive to begin with. Read on to find out how Olor fragrances carved a permanent place in my vanity.

Product Claims

Long lasting freshness which restores the feeling of beauty. 24 hours active deodorant.

What Do I Think?

Olor Pakistan kindly sent me three of their new fragrances to try out and boy, am I glad they did. Olor is originally a Norwegian brand and I have never heard of it before. The first thing that popped into my head was that these bottles (150 mL) seem more compact than deos I normally encountered. The cap is not terribly secure but with a good quality nozzle head there really is no chance of leakage. It releases a fine mist so all’s good. I don’t know about 24 hours but it does last all day long in this mild weather.

Onto the flavors! I detest “fruity fresh” scents, which often smell like fake artificial fruity chews or “citrus scents”, which straight up smell like Lemon Max *Not even kidding*. The “flowery” scents are overpoweringly sweet and unbearable and musk has felt suffocating since I was a kid. Imagine my relief when Olor fragrances beat the odds and won my heart. These are perfect! Since I am completely ignorant in the science of fragrance making, please bear with my descriptions.

Rosy Raspberry (Raspberry & Vanilla)

Let’s start with my favorite of these three: Rosy Raspberry. Raise your hands if you sniff berries before you eat them *Shoots hand in the air*. I think I want to drown in a bath full of this deodorant. You detect rose lingering in the background cut with a fresh tang of berry. Then there is something yummy thrown in which is obviously vanilla that mingles with the rose. All I can say is you must smell this before you die.

Vibrant Violet (Iris & Blackcurrant)

This one is the relatively subtle of the three. The iris flower and blackcurrant berry wonderfully complement each other and you can clearly scent them both here. It is really beautiful, feminine and slightly sharp. If you are a fan of light floral scents, you will love this one.

Glamorous Gold (Lilac & Amber)

Judging by my body’s reaction to this one, it errs towards “musky”. It’s heavy, spicy and not very floral. It’s quite balanced and I am sure most of you will love it for a night out.

I checked out the other fragrances in this range and found some of my favorite scents that I mostly don’t find in deodorants. So, I will be getting some more this summer. This is a good budget buy that you just cannot go wrong with.

My Rating



PKR 195


Major departmental stores and


Wide range
Natural appealing scents
Travel friendly quality packaging
Readily available



What kind of fragrances do you prefer?


Disclaimer: This is a personal blog edited by its owners and the opinions expressed here belong solely to its owner's. For questions and queries please email at


  1. Thank you for the detailed review .. have tried them and Rosy one is my fav among all ... Thank you for sharing dear ♡♡

  2. Love the review! I agree these are definitly worth a try... I am also verh much gravitating towards the nerry ones,

  3. Wow.... what a visually captivating post! I love that background you have on the blog! Needless to say that I love your work, as usual!

    1. Thank you :) I loved your photography for Olor review too

  4. I am glad that how they have introduced such wonderful variants in THAT price tage. Loving the Amber one :)
    Love you too :*
    (this is my third try of posting comment :( )

    1. Thank you so much :* happens to me all the time lol

  5. I am trying these too and I must say I can relate with every word you have written. Am not a fan of musks either and rosy raspberry smells great. Great review.

  6. I'll try them soon!
    Nice review :)

  7. Very nice and detailed review! x

  8. I have noticed people either like the raspberry one or are tied between gold and violet! :D I personally loved the amber one but Olor does have a lovely range! ;)

    Jadirah Sarmad at Jasmine Catches Butterflies ʚϊɞ


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